My Life as a

Web Developer

Hello, I'm Davi Dantas and I came to the world of WebDev with 30 years old.

This site is in fact, one of my first baby steps.

As a self-taught I'm always looking for new material and guides, the 30 days, 30 sites challenge helped me a lot keeping me on a path. This was the second day site, a simple and fun invite to a 90th birthday party

Then I started a project with @RafaMonteiro, where we would draw a country flag per day, using pure CSS.

I'm also a RPG (role-playing game) player, so when I was invited to a Mage table, I started to create my history on this website:

I've been using position absolute for quite some time, but I couldn't understand how my element would behavior until I'd completed this lesson on freeCodeCamp. To practice this and help others visualize that mechanism I made simple guide to CSS absolute position.